Sorry, Sound Manager 3.0 or later is required in order to play. System version is earlier than 7.0. TheZone needs some system features not present on this machine. Can't setup audio data. Please, restart your machine and try again. Be sure you have Sound Manager 3.0 or later installed. Cannot access the current monitor gamma table. If you have another screen available, please launch the game from there. You should set addressing mode to 32 bits from the Memory control panel, restart your machine and run TheZone again. •unused• This video board (or monitor) does not support 256 colors at the current resolution (or at all). •unused• A 13" (640x480) or bigger monitor is required in order to play. Sorry: you wouldn't see your info bar, and you really can't play without it! A FPU is required to use this version. Well, if ya could arrange for an R/6000™… A 68020/16MHz (030 or 040 at 25MHz *recommended*) is required to run the game. Gee, I didn't say a PowerPC™… Gestalt not available. Unknown System version. Is this machine really *so* old? Fetch a new one, please… Unable to find machine type. System version is older than 6.0.4. Oh God, this machine must be a test station at Apple® Computer, Inc. TheZone can't run this way.